Mayra Fornos Has Been In Your Shoes

Mayra Fornos knows how fast life can change. She has her own personal experience and knows first-hand the unmet and unrecognized needs and demands of a loved one suffering from a devastating injury.  

Mayra became involved with the disabled community more than 25 years ago when her late husband, Ralph, suffered a C5-6 spinal cord injury that rendered him a quadriplegic as the result of a surfing accident. Mayra understands the indescribable physical and emotional challenges the injured and their loved ones face.  

Mayra’s personal experience is one of the many attributes that sets her apart from other attorneys. As a result, Fornos Law Firm has an unparalleled approach towards individuals and families that have been similarly affected and are seeking legal help.  

Mayra’s goal is simple. To work tirelessly on behalf her clients, and force the wrongdoer — whether it be an individual, a corporation, a governmental agency, entity or a medical provider — to take responsibility and to compensate her client for the devastation and suffering caused as a result of their actions.

Our Resource Team

Fornos Law Firm works with individuals that have sustained life-altering injuries and are disabled, thus having tremendous knowledge and experience on the needs of those living with a devastating injury or disability.

Briana Walker, a consultant for the firm, became a paraplegic after suffering a spinal cord injury in an automobile accident. Brianna, a former legal secretary, uses her extraordinary insight and compassion to empower clients with information, resources, and support. 

Gerard Moreno, legal administrator of Fornos Law Firm, has been with the firm since its inception, Gerard has been a T-8 paraplegic, since 1981.  He has served on numerous boards that provide services and support to the disabled. Gerard has represented the United States in fencing at the Paralympics.

Anthony Orefice, a consultant for the firm, is a paraplegic as the result of a motocycle accident.  He also volunteers for organizations around Southern California providing peer support to individuals who have suffered similar catastrophic injuries.

Bobby Rohan, a consultant for the firm, is a C5-6 quadriplegic who relentlessly volunteers for organizations around Southern California providing peer support to individuals who have suffered similar catastrophic injuries.

Margarita Elizondo, a consultant for the firm, is a C6-7 quadreplegic and the Founder of Rolling With Me, a 501c3 nonprofit that advocates inclusion of people of all abilities in the community and offerrs peer support and resource to individuals who have suffered similar catastrophic injuries.